This is the movie that got me started on my journey to following a Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyle, over three years ago. So I have to recommend it as a great place for you to start too! It clearly articulates the reasons, with scientific backup, why you would want to change your lifestyle to enjoy a healthier life.

This movie is the real deal. It is now about 10 years old, but all the info you need to understand why a change to Whole Food Plant Based eating is essential is there, as are the people who I recommend you follow.

Dr Caldwell B Esselstyn – for understanding the connection between diet and heart health

Dr T Colin Campbell – for the connection between diet and cancer.

And many others…

When I watched it, it was available on Netflix, but sadly it is no longer there. There are other online platforms for watching it. And in Auckland, where I live, it is available to borrow in DVD format from the library.

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